Mining carts are commonly used mechanical equipment in many mining enterprises, and there are some details that need to be highly valued during the driving control or maintenance process of mining car
Integrity standard of mine car includs mine car wheel pair, the tram connection device, and the bottom of the unloader unloader.mine car box and bottom beam,
1、The dump mine car should be carefully checked before use to see if there is any serious damage to the appearance, and the wheels should be flexible and free from jamming.
The dump mine car should be carefully checked before use to see if there is any serious damage to the appearance, and the wheels should be flexible and free from jamming.
The mine car wheel set is a key component of the mine car, which is both a walking mechanism and a bearing mechanism. Due to the special environment of coal mine production, the bearings, seals, and e
The existence of coal mining car is a relatively common production equipment in our daily life and production. It is a mechanical equipment provided by our company for market production throughout the