1. The vehicle should be stopped in time after the Mine Car falls off the road. The shift monitor and security inspector will come to the scene to find out the reason, and determine the roadway accord
Curved Side Dumping Mine Car is a simple and practical operation equipment for the working face of the mine. It is mainly suitable for engineering excavation, construction and supporting of metallurgy
Mining Cars-Narrow-gauge railway handling vehicles that transport bulk materials such as coal, ore, and waste rock in mines are generally towed by locomotives or winches. According to the different st
Mining cart is the most important transportation tool in coal mines, and it is a special vehicle for mine rail transportation. In order to meet the narrow conditions of underground roadways, the compa
In mine transportation equipment, stationary Mine Car are commonly used. What should be paid attention to when using them? Stationary minecart is a main transportation equipment for coal and vermiculi
The mining of a mine is a relatively difficult project. Transportation equipment is indispensable in mining projects. Side Dumping Mine Car are mainly applicable to metallurgy, mine roadways, coal min